Rasch uni behang blauw 252842

Uni wallpaper

Uni wallpaper is wallpaper that consists of 1 color. Now you might wonder why you don't just paint over the wall, instead of wallpapering it with a uni-color wallpaper. The wallpaper consists of 1 color, but can give a very warm and pleasant atmosphere to the room due to its beautiful structure. For example, look at a linen look wallpaper, which only has 1 color, but the linen structure still gives a nice atmosphere in the room.
Plain wallpaper can of course also be very useful if the wall is not plastered and there are too many irregularities or cracks on the wall to be able to paint. Plain wallpaper can mask the wall beautifully.

Combine wallpaper in 1 color with a beautiful print and you create a very nice space!

8 products