How do you order Långelid/von Brömssen wallpaper?
It You can order Långelid/von Brömssen wallpaper per roll of 53cm wide and 10.05m long with a standard pattern.
How to calculate the number of rolls required Långelid/von Brömssen wallpaper for your wall?
First you calculate it number of patterns per lane. For example, a wall is 260cm high and this wallpaper has a pattern of 53cm: 260/53 = 4.9 = 5 patterns.
5 patterns x pattern height 53cm = 265 cm per lane required.
Then you calculate how many jobs you can get from a roll. You do this by dividing the length of the roll by the required length per strip. In this example: 10m/265cm = 3.77 strips. So you get 3 strips from 1 roll.
Then it is still a matter of calculating how many rolls you need. You do this by dividing the width of the wall by the width of the roll and then divide by the number of strips you get from the roll and round this up. For example: the wall is 420cm wide, divide this by 53cm (width of roll) = 7.9 strips. 8 / 3 strips = 2.6 rolls = 3 rolls of wallpaper.
Please note: as a precaution, always allow 5-10 cm extra for the height and width of the wall to be wallpapered, as it is probably not completely straight.